jueves, 22 de septiembre de 2016

✢ ✣ ✤ ✥ Cuteness overload! Asuna and Momoko ✢ ✣ ✤ ✥

Hello Again! 

I have been really active on Instagram and Flickr, but not here! It is such a shame as I have so so many different updates to show. I have been selling some of my dolls, as I am really in a "move on" mood, and I just feel that this dolls are too expensive to be be in the glass cabinet just accumulating dust and not being played.  So yeah,  I have been just busy with sales and shipping. 

This little ones have not received the attention that they deserve, I have comissioned some new skirts for them "GHIBLI" themed and I am so excited to dress them up and take tones of pictures!.

Appart from that, I have been thinking about their background story, and it has captivated me the same way it did while ago. I LOVE "Chobits"and I accept it is very very similar to that one, but I can't wait to finish them and to get their "creator" in scene. I have been strugling to know if the creator is a girl or a boy? I have been thinking about getting a Moe feeple 60cm line Siona from Fairyland. It is a fantastic sculpt that can fit with them perfectly as she is not too much realistic. 

And just before leaving, I wanted to show you guys a song that reminds me of this story!

Thanks for visiting!

domingo, 24 de julio de 2016


Hola !

Tan sólo quería pasarme para recordar que tengo otras redes sociales donde subo cosas de mis muñecos!

Hey! I just wanted to show up and let you know that I do have another social network where I post dolly related things!






Derian Hammett



Llegadas y Novedades

Tras el post depresivo de la marcha o posible marcha de mis dos grandotes, no todo podía ser tan malo! He estado muy activo últimamente en el hobby y he recibido nada mas y nada menos que dos muñecos nuevos!, He intercambiado mi Miho ( el cual ni siquiera subí una foto suya aquí).

Nada, la primera llegada que voy a mencionar es la de mi perfectisimamente bien hecho por Dollshe : SAINT, llevo TANTOS años esperándolo que no me lo puedo ni imaginar!

Nada más llegar le di un buen lavado con thinner y con esponja mágica, por que venía algo guarrete ejem ejem...

Le hice una peluca albina de Alpaca la mar de apañá ( para ser mi segunda peluca), la cual tuve que arreglar una vez hecha por que tenía calvas! xD El pelo blanco...engaña.

Como veis no tiene ojos todavía, y el maquillaje está hecho por mí ( sí, mi primer maquillaje que pasa xD) está sin acabar, le falta el gloss, brillos y perfilar cejas, pero no importa!, por que le he mandado la cabeza a la señora Madamme Mau Maus!   http://meiselmaus.deviantart.com/   DIOS, no me lo puedo ni creer! Me ha comentado que puede que tarde bastante tiempo en hacer el maquillaje, pero nada, sólo por que me lo haga ella esperaré un año si hace falta!.

Los ojos los he comprado de Masterpiece, y serán rosáceos tipo albinos, para mi gusto muy bonitos ^^

El siguiente hombretón es mi VENITU FANTASTICO DE 5TH MOTIF, OHH si! Tengo un Venitu!  ( Perdonar mi ímpetu, pero no puedo remediarlo xD) 
La peluca la hice yo también, es mi PRIMERA peluca de Alpaca, así que por el momento se va a quedar con ella y más adelante le haré una de Angora posiblemente. Pero la verdad es que me gusta muchísimo! Lo ha maquillado mi amiga Lara Herrera, los ojos son de masterpiece. Le falta su ropa...TODA, pero poco a poco, no puedo customizar a tantos muñecos de golpe T__T

Por último quería enseñar el pequeño colgante de piedra de cuarzo que le he hecho a mi Nikolai ^^.

Unos que vienen...y otros que se van :(

Hola a todos!

Hacía bastante que no venía por aquí, la verdad es que he estado muy activo en el hobby estos meses y he conseguido muñecos SOÑADOS que siempre quise ( como el Saint de Dollshe), pero no he tenido tiempo ni ganas de sentarme delante del ordenador y comenzar a escribir. También tengo muchos cambios y dos posibles ventas ( tristes, pero posibles).

Es una lástima como en este hobby las cosas cambian, cambian rápido, o muy despacio, y aveces para mejor ( más moldes, más variedad) o aveces para peor...( muchos recasts, la gente ya no es la misma...pierdes el contacto...). Me ha pasado lo mismo en este momento, tengo un molde que siempre quise, desde que lo vi en la página de Soom me quedé embelesado con el, y nunca soñé tenerlo...me equivocaba, tardé meses y meses en pagarlo ( 4 exactamente) pero al fin era mio, invertí todo lo que podía en el, le dí varios personajes, pero nunca llegó a ser lo que yo esperaba. Tal vez soy demasiado exigente...o tal vez no sé que quiero de ese molde. Lo maquillé dos veces, una de ellas por una querida amiga, le cambié ojos tres veces, esta última ojos de masterpiece de 40$ . Le compré ropa que era el personaje etc...Pero siempre pensé que un IPLEHOUSE le quedaría mucho mejor al personaje que quería para el, son mucho mas realistas pero de una manera agradable a la vista.

Es dificil desprenderse de un objeto que has querido tanto durante tantos años ( exactamente 5 años lleva conmigo) pero aveces resulta absurdo el encariñarse con algo que no te llena, y que puedes intercambiar por otra cosa que te puede hacer más feliz. Los últimos tres añazos se los ha pasado escondido en la caja de fábrica, para no acumular polvo, sin peluca, sin ojos...Hablo de mi Spinel de Soom.

Estos últimos meses han sido con diferencia los meses en los que he disfrutado más de este epqueño ser, le he sacado muchas fotos, los afghan de masterpiece son una maravilla, ropa, colgantes...El personaje es bastante " oscuro/wiccano". Pero aveces llega un momento en el que nunca siento que el personaje se siente bien dentro de ese muñeco, y ya he intentado tantas veces darle un nombre y una personalidad que no puedo evitar sentirme cansado.

He abierto un post de venta en DOA, conforme están las cosas que tardan años en vender cualquier cosa no me doy el gusto de pensar que ya no estará conmigo, así que durante este tiempo en el que esté en el "limbo" voy a intentar tener más lazos con el, intentar sacarle mas fotos y escribir más sobre su historia. Tal vez estos dias de incertidumbre puedan ayudarme a saber que quiero de verdad de este muñeco.

El siguiente señor posible venta es mi Migidoll Cho. fué un intercambio por una Tania de Iplehouse. Este bjd me encanta, pero la mera idea de tener que cambiarle el cuerpo ( ya que es de Demon garden y prefiero los de volks) y buscar a toda una familia para completarlo me pone de los nervios. Eric, su personaje, nunca estará completo para mí sin su hermano mayor, Steffano ( que es mi Spinel Soom ahora mismo) y los dos gemelos ( Iplehouse posiblemente...), son una familia muy grande de muñecos y MUY CARA, y ahora mismo no estoy por la labor...Estoy centrándome en mis chicos de época,los cuales estoy diseñando ropa para ellos y encargarla a mano.A si que....otro más para el salón de ventas de DOA....

Intentaré trastear con el lo máximo posible, y espero tener buenos resultados...!

lunes, 25 de abril de 2016

Nikolai Roux Story ( Dollshecraft Rosen)

Name: Nikolai Roux
Age: between 25 to 29
Nationality: Traveller
Was born : Probably October 1764
Personality: Observer of the nature, artistic, anti crowds of people. Calmed soul.
Occupation: Travelled all of his young life until he joined a floating circus in Venice where he just continued travelling until his last breath.

  • He rarely speaks, but when he does, he surprises everyone around with his angelic voice.
  • One of his talents is tarot reading, as it is a common practice in his clan since hundreds of years ago.
  • Music is his passion, but he could never learn to play any instrument. Therefore he has devotion for anyone able to play even with a rock.
  • He never gets over excited about anything, his calmed personality has drained out the patience of the circus family.
  • His blood family has been always travelling, and one day he decided he needed to do his own journey.

martes, 22 de marzo de 2016

New Arrival: Nikolai Roux my beloved character ( Dollshe Rosen Sleeping Head)

Hey there!

 Hello people, I am here again just to explain a little bit about my new doll: Nikolai Roux, a Dollshe Rosen.

This character was the third one I created when I was 15 years old, basically he was my third doll. he was a resinsoul an, in tan skin, and the character growed so much that that body was just not good for him anymore. 
I then decided to sell his old body in order to buy a new one, suddenly I realized that I didn´t want a "cheap" doll anymore, so money was an issue. It has been almost 9 years since, I am 24 years now, and here we are, same character, different body, in the perfect one for him!. This kind of things are the little details that make the hobby something special and fullfilling, probably not so many people would understand this feeling, but...having your character re shelled in the doll you always wanted does not have a price. ( It does, I know very well it does, but you know, I am trying to be yoga here xD)

I mannaged to take a lot of pictures of this guy, but I just wanted to separate them in different posts so I can create more content even if I am not in my garden anymore. Also, I will post a little explanation of who is this guy and what is happening with him, also, at this very moment I have 3 different stories with my dolls. He belongs to the " Les poupees du mal" story, which talks about sculptors, musicians and artists in the great french revolution period. 

I really hope you liked him and I will post more pics in the future!


Kokoro comes again ( DD M.O.M.O)


I decided that Kokoro needed a new wig, so, well, this happenned! I really love the way it looks, very "realistic" it is a mohair wig, from ebay, and honestly, I wasn´t expecting this!

The lighting yesterday was really good, I could relax and take as many pictures as I wanted ( I caught my neighbours staring at me from their window, but yeah..anyway). My garden was really really nice that day, I like to think of if as a living thing. I will really miss my garden in the future, I will be moving to a new house and wel...It is a small flat, the good thing is that it will be just for me and my boyfriend, but, yeah, no garden at all, I will have to sort out how to take pictures of my dolls in there, I am very shy taking dolls outside my house, I feel really akward when people stare at me with them, I mean, it is not very normal to see a 180cm big man holding a cute anime doll and taking pictures of it as if the doll was real lol!

With Danbo - san!

Thanks for watching!

viernes, 15 de enero de 2016

Momoko´s Day Off shooting day(。♥‿♥。)


I took this pictures a month ago when the weather was not that cold, and I think I like them a lot!
Momoko was in the mood to be photographed so I simply took her to the garden and started tahking pictures. I think she looks very natural in here, and more " like her", she is not into that "lolita" stuff that the other girls are all the time 

 Thanks for viewing :)

miércoles, 6 de enero de 2016

End of Christmas and Seth again :)


Yes, it´s me again!
Finally Christmas it´s over ( It just lasts longer in Spain as our "presents day" is today the 6th January) I am going to come back to England tomorrow, and I am not really very keen to go, but...work is work, isn´t it?  
I just wanted to show you my last pictures of Seth at home before I take him back with me to Oxford.

I really like the lighting at home, Spanish sun is the best for pictures, in England it is almost cloudy all the time at this time of the year, but, to be honest, the landscapes are much nicer as everything is "green and trees". 
Anyway, no place like home, I will miss my family and the food!

One of my favourite presents ( among the perfumes and guilettes xD) was this perfect book that I was always looking for, " Howl´s moving castle". My aunt brought it to me from Barcelona, apparently it is no longer published anymore, so it is quite difficult to find.

I really liked this roses colour, so I bought them to my Granmother as a present, she loved them!
This other pictures of Seth are the ones I did yesterday, I didn´t manage to dress him with different clothes as I think I donnot have any different ones here!

 This ones are at my bedroom, He looks so lovely!

Thank you for visiting!

domingo, 3 de enero de 2016

Home fo Christmas and re-meeting with my dolls... ≧◡≦...

Hey! (▰˘◡˘▰)

I have come home for Christmas ( to Spain) and as I have been all the time moving from one house to another I couldn´t take all my dolls with me, One of this dolls is my Spinel ( SOOM) Seth. 
He needs lots of new clothes and photoshoots, I took him to my "patio" and took some pics with the day light, but I am a very bad photographer and I did not get any decent ones appart from two.,,


I had to give him a good clean, he looked dusty!

All the clothes I had with me was this jumper that I recently ordered on e-bay, but I forgot to bring a shirt with me, so it doesn´t look very nice just like that...But I promise I will dress him decently for the next photoshoot in England. 


Eleanor is my custom blythe, I don´t think this dolls are for me, and I have thought about selling her too many times, but I guess she has been in my crew for too long to sell her now, and also, I do not want to sell her very cheap, because I think she looks georgeous :)


By the way, I visited my grandma´s house in the countryside, and I discovered how beautiful was everything! The country was full of nice flowers and green everywhere, if you are from Alicante, where I am from, you realize how rare it is to see " green" on the countryside, as everything looks quite like the sahara actually, lol!

I need to shoot my Taeyang dolls, but I am too lazy! ಥ_ಥ

sábado, 12 de diciembre de 2015

New 50mm Lens + Azone boys + Wall-e

Non stop shopping month! 

This month has been one of those where you just do not save any money at all. I was really upset about having to go to work the whole weekend while everyone else was on Black Friday. I really wanted to go out and buy some bargains! Specally clothes...It was not possible...to go out, but I could manage to buy lots of things on the internet! 

1. 50 MM LENS MINOLTA for my Sony Alpha camera
2. Clothes
3. Wall-e mug
4. Disney store pyjammas for my little nephew

Haru was the first thing I photographed with the new lens, the light was crap, honestly, but I loved how he posed for this picture. 

I always enjoy holding them in my hand like if they were little arriettys! 

 Wall-e is one of my currently favourite movies, I just think that the character is hilarious. 
The whole movie without even saying a single word but he can express everything on his little robotic face. ADORABLE 

And finally the Mug that I was doubting to buy every time I visit the Disney Store. I like it that much that I don´t know if I will ever drink tea on it!

Thanks for viewing!